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Meta Force Info

UNITEVERSE - 100% of the affiliate turnover goes to the netw

Meta Force Time:2023-04-19 Browse:

UNITEVERSE - 100% of the affiliate turnover goes to the network members.                                                                                                                                                             
The marketing plan is divided into two stages, each of which has its own characteristics. Uniteverse - Binary, Matrix. Unlike the Classics (Tactile), a non-dividing     matrix (Delta), that is, an infinite filling in depth, but limited in width.    
1) Marketing rewards account for 75%. When the participants fill out your matrix, you get 15% from each up to the 5th line.
2) Referral reward is 25%.  You also get additional bonuses up to 4 referral lines, starting from 10%, 7%, 4%, 4% and so on up to 4
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